Ok so I know very little about christanity and I think thats rare because people know alot and im here like. Jesus existed. Theirs this cool musical with good tunes about him. Speaking of I LOVE THE MUSICAL JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR but i feel bad because it isnt fiction its a weird ass thing between real and fake and im here wanting to get into more jcs related shit but not that heeping dumpster fire of a religion like. fandom. wheres the fanfics. the fanart. fandom. i'll tell you where it is NOWHERE because its a religionnn and that suckss i dont wanna know bout your religion. its mega yikes. So i feel weird bout liking the musical from my point of view like yes this happened its important to people but i also derealize it but its not fiction its just in limbo like i think im good at the fiction is not reality from fiction but this musicals reality to me is nuanced in a weird way.

ANYWAYS so im gonna be a jcs fan here and if their is any sort of jcs fandom please lead me to my people. I love the 2018 version of it its good watch it THE MUSIC MAN. Anyways I ship Mary, Judas and Jesus. Weird to say but. whatever. I love "heaven on their minds" and "judas death" those songs i have so many Thoughts. AHH. BTW. Simon the zeloat i think his name is? in the 2018 version i sense this energy (i know i sound a bit weird but keep in mind i have been trapped in the same place for years I lost count with no outside contact other than my parents and the internet i now know im not normal.) like it never had a color before this year but i watched the musical again and its like a green energy? I dont know i swear their is this energy that is more than human but like. an aura i guess of this weird Extra Special Energy and I love it it is so. interesting like why does this one have the in-human energies that i am so attracted to idk?

I have 11 GB of JCS soundtrack. All different versions and languages. Have i listened to them? No ofc not theres like fifty versions?? Hello? Im not that big of a jesus stan (i dont stan at all and yet i collect soundtracks of jcs. havent added to my collection in years tho.) Dad first showed me the musical for some reason and gave me his copy. Was very very pog.

anyways i am very interested in judas seems like a neat dude? interesting? Would be cool to analyze him sometime. (WIP IDK WHAT TO PUT HERE OTHER THAN COOL MUSICAL. I dont know shit about its source religion so sorry if this is offensive /gen)

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