Welcome to my page for words from various things that I relate to me somehow!

This is a page of things that I relate to me or I think describe me in some way that are words/quotes from various things! Sometimes I will add my thoughts sometimes i wont.

"Why do I play the part of the fool with such/An open heart/I already know how this will end/I know I'll just get hurt again...Why do I play with dynamite?" - play with dynamite by Amanda Fagan. This quote I really really related too back when i was still in contact with KS, even though i had a bit of a stockholm syndrome thing with KS i now kinda include them in this? I mostly relate this to peaceful but also D, KS, and Maybeee my parents. I last night (Writing this on 4/26/2022) actually thought of this because i was debating with myself about some red flags i saw when it comes to someone currently in my life that i ignore. I always go along with things, im kinda a yes man? I agree and go along with everything because im afraid. im a doormat. Ive been punished for saying no for critizing for negatives. So im a yes man to bad people. Because i have to be or at least feel like i have to be. I've encountered so many people with red flags or that i had internal alarm bells of that i ignored that have been small but idk. I feel like something big might happen like its been for the past three?? two?? idk anymore?? years.

““There is nobody like you. Just be yourself.” I said, “Do it for the fun of it. There are people out there looking for exactly what you have to offer. Let them know you exist.”” - You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. OH BOY I HAVE FEELINGS ON THIS QUOTE. I disagree with alotta things in Hays book now, i read a tiny bit of it and its yikes, but i still try to adopt this part and this part only of that book. I feel like I have this mindset and i try to use it as motivation to do things, like my youtube i refuse to share on here because i want these lives seperate thank you very much. The easy yet hardness of becoming viral scares me. abusers scare me. I try to be this. I like to think I am this. Idk what else to say on this actually uhhh.

for brevity i wont put all the lyrics to Wilbur Soots saline solution here but this song is very relatable with my health anxieties and paranoia all of those mental struggles that are like that.

"It's worth it to make some mistakes/You miss all of the shots that you don't take" from "Change My Clothes" by Dream & Alec Benjamin. I know Dream is a bit cringy to some but his music is good imo dont judge me please. I like to think this fits the mindset I want to have, the life i wanna have, and my motivation i have for doing things. Its a good philsophy, you only regret the chances you didnt take. The chances of somethings happening are slip to none but even if you dont succeed its worth it do to something.

"Remember why you became a polytheist. Perhaps you prayed and Someone unexpected answered. Perhaps a Goddess tapped you on the shoulder and said “you’re mine.” Perhaps you realized that the world is better explained by many Gods of limited power and scope than by one all-powerful God and you decided that following Them was the best way to order your life." From The article Polytheism in Difficult Times by John Beckett. I was never taught anything about anything regarding any religion or anything about being Jewish because my father is a dick, So i dont know much about literally anything. Not even what Im supposed to be apart of that my dad denies exists or acts very bigoted towards. So I am a polytheist. I was exploring that sorta thing and one day a bunch of dieties that normal people would say I "made up" but to me it is more like that one section from the quote: "...Perhaps a Goddess tapped you on the shoulder and said “you’re mine.”..." Especially since I have a deep bond with a Goddess. Im hers in a sense. I have a complicated relationship with them thats turned love hate sometimes because of everything ive gone through i get mad at what I believe in not stopping it but. my complicated as hell realtionship for so many reasons with that shit isnt what this little thing is about lol. I really relate to "...Perhaps a Goddess tapped you on the shoulder and said “you’re mine.”..." thats all lol.

"if you’re going to kill me, please just do it already." - said by Benery on page 135 of y2kvr. Honestly the whole reason why i relate to this is completely divorced from the context of the scene its in. I just relate to this phrase because its sometimes how i feel about my parents since yknow. They tried to kill me before.

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